
Policies unhelpfully vague in statement

This article appeared in the Otago Daily Times, June 22 2015. The Otago Regional Council has notified its proposed regional policy statement (“PRPS”) and now...

No 'Special Rules' for Sports Stars in Court

May 2015... In this Stuff article Gallaway Cook Allan Partner David Robinson gives his opinion about the publicity surrounding New Zealand sports stars who receive discharge...

Court of Appeal Clarifies Kiwi Saver Status in Bankruptcy

May 2015...In its 17 April 2015 decision, the Court of Appeal has clarified the status of a bankrupt’s interest in Kiwisaver funds. At issue was whether a...

KiwiSaver Accounts and Bankruptcy : Round Two

May 2015 as seen in the Otago Daily Times ...Last year we wrote about a High Court decision regarding the status of KiwiSaver accounts of people who have been declared bankrupt...

David Robinson in LawTalk magazine

April 2015... In this LawTalk article Gallaway Cook Allan Partner David Robinson talks about Lawyering in...

Biker Jeans Round Two

April 2015...In an earlier article written for the Otago Daily Times, I discussed the legal battle over the famous G-Star biker jean. The victor, G-Star successfully issued...

Important changes to consumer law

April 2015...From 17 March 2015, the final stage of an overhaul of consumer laws will come into effect, which will have importance for both consumers and businesses. This is...

Government to get even tougher on employment standards

March 2015 . . .Continuing a trend of toughening up on bad employers, the Government last week announced significant new measures aimed at ensuring that all employees receive...

One night in Bangkok

March 2015 . . . A recent Employment Court case (Peter Hall v Dionex Pty Limited) saw a former manager receive six months’ pay and $9,000 in compensation after he was...

Supreme Court victory for construction subcontractors

March 2015 . . . Construction subcontractors can breathe a sigh of relief after three construction companies recently won an appeal to the Supreme Court, which will greatly...

Changes to KiwiSaver First Home Withdrawal and HNZC First Home Deposit Subsidy on the horizon

February 2015 . . .The KiwiSaver savings scheme has two special features which have been assisting first home buyers. These are:    a) KiwiSaver First Home...

Be mindful of Directors' Duties

This article appeared in the Otago Daily Times in February 2015.   In the case of small or closely held companies it is not uncommon to see people treating...

Discharge Without Conviction – Not Just for Sports People

December 2014 . . . Recent media publicity has suggested that sports people are, unjustly, more likely to be discharged without conviction when they come before the Court on...

Quad bike safety: Wear a helmet!

December 2014 . . . Recently, two farmers from Blenheim were fined $20,000 each for failing to wear helmets on their quad bikes, and failing to ensure that others using the...

New Partner for Gallaway Cook Allan

December 2014 . . . Gallaway Cook Allan is delighted to announce the promotion of Bridget Irving to partner in its Resource Management and Environmental Law...

Key Issues under the Health and Safety Reform Bill

November 2014 . . . David Robinson delivered a well received paper at the Conference held by the Otago and Southland branches of the New Zealand Law Society.  His topic,...

Health and Safety - abolition of self-incrimination privilege for corporates

November 2014 . . . In this Lawtalk article David Robinson examines the current privilege against self- incrimination, notes the proposed abolition of the privilege under the...

Why mediate? Resolving employment relationship problems through mediation

November 2014 . . . When things go wrong between employers and employees, it might be tempting to go out guns blazing and aim for a showdown in Court. However, when the actual and...


November 2014 . . . Trade marks which are not being used may be cancelled and removed from the trade marks register. A recent High Court decision involving the clothes label...

Phil Page in LawTalk magazine

October 2014 . . . In this LawTalk article Gallaway Cook Allan Partner Phil Page talks about life as an Environmental Law...

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