
Holidays Act Issues Paper

Earlier this year the Government established a Holidays Act Taskforce to review and make recommendations about the Holidays Act 2003 (the Act). The Taskforce released an issues...

Startup Weekend - A Professional's View

As a commercial lawyer, I often work with the founders of startups and small businesses. Many of these founders got their taste for entrepreneurship at a local Startup Weekend...

Employment Update: Managing Employees with Mental Health Conditions

A recent Employment Court case has highlighted that employers shouldn’t resort to a performance management process when there are signs of underlying health concerns. ...

Boundary Encroachment

The recent High Court case ARMSTRONG v MITCHELL [2018] NZHC 2353 [7 September 2018] has reinforced the importance of doing your homework on legal boundaries when buying...

Changes are In Store For Foreigners Purchasing Residential Land in New Zealand

  As of the 22nd of October, New Zealand's overseas investment rules will be tightened in an attempt to restrict foreign ownership of residential land. The present...

Employment Relations Amendment Bill Progress

Earlier this year we wrote about changes the Labour-led Government was proposing to make to employment law (you can read those articles here  and here).   These...

Former Director Personally Liable for Company Debts

A High Court Judge has issued a reminder to take care when giving personal guarantees because they can be difficult to escape, even after exiting a business. The Judge made this...

An employee's right to advice - getting the wording right

Most people, if asked, will tell you that employment law favours employees. Essentially, they’re right. Justice in this country is impartial but our Employment Relations Act...

Don’t try this at work. Or home. Or anywhere.

A recent news article caught our eye.  It concerned an employee driving a company vehicle on her way to work. According to the media report the employer thought the employee...

Neighbours' Trees Blocking Your View?

Trees can add significant amenity to the public environment and are often used by homeowners to provide privacy.  Equally, views and sunlight are commodities highly prized by...

Vendors Warranties and Undertakings - How Far Do These Extend?

The recent High Court case of Mitchell v Zhang [2017] NZHC 3208 helps to further define how far a vendor’s warranties and undertakings extend. One of the main issues...

Domestic Violence - Victims' Protection Act.

The Domestic Violence – Victims Protection Act 2018 has passed following its final reading in Parliament. The Act makes changes to the Employment Relations Act 2000, Holidays...

Trial Period v Probationary Period - What's the Difference?

The Employment Relations Amendment Bill currently before select committee proposes to remove the ability to use trial periods for any employer who employs 20 or more...

Contractor or Employee - What's the Difference?

A recent article on shone a light on the difficult working conditions many courier drivers face. Courier drivers (many of whom are independent contractors) spoke of...


What are they? Warranties are usually included in legal agreements of a commercial nature. They are essentially a guarantee or promise made by one person to another relating to...

MBIE Consults on Beneficial Ownership of Corporate Bodies

The Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment (MBIE) has launched a public consultation on beneficial ownership of corporate bodies. MBIE is interested in potentially...

IPONZ Proposes Reduced Trademark Fees (but increased patent fees)

The Intellectual Property Office of New Zealand (IPONZ) is seeking feedback on its proposal to reduce fees for trademarks, while increasing patent fees. IPONZ is requesting...

KiwiBuild - Restoring the Kiwi Dream of Home Ownership

As of last week, New Zealanders can now register their interest in purchasing a KiwiBuild home; an affordable, quality starter home for first home buyers. The KiwiBuild...

Building a New Home? Read the Fine Print!

If you’re thinking about building a new home or carrying out renovations, then chances are you will be asked to sign a contract. All residential building projects valued at...

MBIE consults on publishing directors’ residential addresses online

The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) is seeking your views on whether directors’ home addresses should still be published on the (publicly searchable)...

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